Friday, May 12, 2017

My Little Princess

We are celebrating Eleanor's birthday tomorrow and I can't believe she is going to be two. She is so smart. She counts to ten, knows all the letters in the alphabet and is forming sentences and talking so much. I understand everything she is saying and it's so fun to talk to her now. Here are some of my favorite things that she says...

Whenever we are eating meat for dinner, we give her little bites and she always comes back saying, "More meat! More meat!"

Every time I get her up in the morning she says, "Daddy at work. Harper sleeping. Thory!" Something along those lines..she likes to keep tabs on all of us and Thor is always following right behind me.

When she wants to watch one of her Netflix shows she grabs the remote and says, "Show?" She turns it on but when she can't get it to work she says, "Not working!" It's so funny.

She loves watching the song "Wheels on the Bus" and every time the bus rolls away at the end she says, "Bye bus! See you soon!"

I took her on a walk on her little bike a couple of days ago and whenever we passed anyone she said, "Hi friends!"

Sometimes she calls Brandon and I babe because that's what we call each other and it's hilarious. When I ask her, "Where did daddy go?" She lifts her arms and says, "I don't know." Then yells, "Branon!" And takes off looking for him. Haha. I taught her our names in case she ever gets lost and now she likes to use them sometimes.

Lately I've been turning music on in our bedroom at night and she gets up on the bed and dances. She has been handing me the remote and says, "Music?" I turn it on and she goes, "Oh yeah." 

Every time we are driving on the freeway and she sees the Y on the mountain she yells, "Y!!!" She is so observant and can hear and spot helicopters and airplanes way before I do. Which she always waves and says goodbye to.

When she is done with her food she says, "All done?" Basically saying let me down.

Having so much candy after Easter she walks up to me constantly and asks, "Candy?" I tell her she has to eat something healthy first and she says, "One?" Because sometimes I cave and say "Okay, just one." But when I don't cave she goes to her next plan and says, "Big kiss." I give her a kiss and tell her thank you but still no candy. She then moves to "Hug". Which I'm not going to lie. She usually wins.

Whenever Thor comes back in the house after being outside she says, "Good boy Thor. Good boy." While also patting his back. It's possibly my favorite. 

There are really too many favorites to share but dang this age is just so great. She's so great.

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