Friday, March 17, 2017


It's starting to look like warm weather is here to stay and I don't know if anyone is happier about it than Thor. That means more time outside and more ball chasing which I swear he will never get sick of. Sadly my computer is on the fritz and I think it's time for a new one. My screen has green dots all over it that are flickering and won't go away. Editing these photos was near impossible. I had to send a couple images to my phone to make sure they looked okay. But how cute is Eleanor? I'm so excited to dress her in things besides her coat.

Eleanor's outfit: Dress/ Old Navy , Shoes/ Payless , Bow/ TheSplendidBow

Friday, March 3, 2017


Photos from the last month! I probably shouldn't have anymore babies because my photo taking has gotten Out. Of. Control.

Ramen date with Harper in tow.

Harper has range. Thankfully she has gotten a lot better and is spitting up less.

Brandon knows the way to my heart surprising me with Swig.

That little belly.

She has this obsession with her vest right now and when it's too cold for just a vest she has a fit when I make her wear her I let her wear both to the park.

As you can tell, she loves her new hat.

Thor waiting patiently to be fed some Goldfish.

Brandon was here.

Working out on my dad's birthday.

You guys...this seriously never happens. She didn't get a nap this day. I was loving it.

So tiny.

Constantly have her face dowsed in Vaseline. Goodness she gets so dry. Can this dang winter be over? Also...yes that is a blowout.

Ugh she is so cute.

Just...he's so great.

Don't pay any attention to me. Just look at Eleanor trying to join in with her tiny weights. Haha! I love her.

I've seen Dori too many times this month.

Bald spot coming in hot.

I can't wait to braid her hair.

Her face when Brandon set her upright on the couch. :)

A favorite.

Another favorite.

Okay, I just love them all.

Eleanor ran into our room after her bath with her swimsuit. She keeps saying "cute" to things and I love it. Especially when she says it to Harper.

Since Valentine's Day she has also been saying "Andy?" a lot. She always wants a piece of candy which I give in and give her.

She wanted to wear Harper's bow.

Oh Thor. Always wanting a warm body to lay next to.

Chilling with Steph.

Sister date to see Elton John.