Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Eleanor and Thor

Most of the time I grab my camera real quick in hopes to capture a certain moment that usually passes me by because I am too late. But this morning, these two just kept doing their thing. Eleanor has started following Thor around. She climbs up onto the couch and looks out the window with him as they watch and wait for their dad to get home. If I give her a cheese stick she makes sure Thor gets at least half of it. They snuggle and she has started throwing the ball for him and is getting quite good at it. I know I've said it before but I love that they have each other. 
Also, we put our tree and decorations up. This baby will be here in 4 weeks and I am going to be ready. Eleanor loves it. She will be walking around the house and when she turns the corner and sees it she says, "Wow!" Likes it's the first time she is seeing it all over again. It's the cutest. The ornaments are slowing making there way higher and higher up the tree...I don't have too many breakable ornaments but I have been finding them everywhere.  Brandon was making dinner the other night and she dipped one of my gingerbread man ornaments into the flour bag and then licked it quickly yelling "MMMmmm!!!" right after. Yes Eleanor, I'm sure that tasted delicious. :)

Waiting for Brandon to get home for his lunch break.

My cute kitchen shelf.

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