Tuesday, November 1, 2016

After baby list

I find myself making these lists in my head closer to my babies due dates and thought I'd actually jot it down. I start to get restless and antsy and excited to have my body back. I'm in the stage where I feel puffy, tired and hate all of my clothes. This list gets me excited. We will call it my After Baby list.

1. Buy a pair of black jeans. And white. I need to mix up my blue denim look.

2. Find some leggings that aren't see through. If you girls have found the perfect pair, let me know! Also, a little looser around the love handles would be great...
3. Sign up for the St. George marathon...this half terrifies me since I haven't ran one since before Eleanor was born. I'm scared to find out just how out of shape I am.
4. Start another round of 21 Day Fix.
5. Try a chemical peel. This pregnancy mask (chloasma) needs to go. 
6. Get Eleanor's room set up. We won't be transitioning her from the nursery until after baby two comes since she will be in our room for the first few months anyway. I'm excited to start on it though.
7. Dry brushing. These stretch marks need to fade faster this time around. Anyone have any luck with this one?

Send your tips at me!

I'm sure I will continue to add to this up until she comes. Can't. Freaking. Wait.

32 Weeks

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