Tuesday, September 27, 2016


It's a little bit of a stretch when I say this...but Eleanor's hair fits into pigtails now! Oh my gosh, it's the cutest thing. She looks so grown up and it kills me/makes me smile all at once. She is in the most fun stage right now and picking up on things so quickly. I don't even realize that she notices when I blow on her food but when I give it to her and it's still too hot, she blows on it again. She likes to comb her own hair, takes my makeup brushes to her cheeks and stares at her fingernail polish whispering, "Ooooh" like she knows how pretty she looks. Who is this girl?! 

Eating more tomatoes from the garden and staining her clothes one by one...

The walnuts have started to fall in our backyard and she always helps me pick them up.

Helping daddy pick weeds in the garden.

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