Monday, September 26, 2016

Beanie Season

As soon as I saw these beanies on Instagram I had to order Eleanor one. Picking a color was the hard part. When it arrived, every time I put it on her she would pull it right off. I didn't have much hope in her actually wearing it but as soon as we go outside it's like a lightbulb flips on in her head and she thinks..."Oh this hat actually serves a purpose!" She has another hat that I put on her when we went down to the Riverwoods during Chalk the Block and she left it on the whole time! So proud of her. Anyway below are a bunch of pictures per usual because I can never take my camera out and snap just one.

It's slightly big on her still but she'll grow into it. :)

She loves picking and eating tomatoes with her daddy.

Beanie found here.