Just a few of my favorite photos from the last month.
I took Eleanor to the aquarium and she LOVED it. It was the cutest thing. I would take her all the time if it wasn't so expensive.
She kept bending down to look into the displays, even when some were clearly taller than her....haha.
When we first got there we went to look at the penguins and she was so timid at first, holding onto my leg. It was so sweet but she quickly warmed up to it and ran from one tank to the next.
A picture from our five year anniversary. Brandon took me to ride the lifts up at Sundance and we went to dinner.
We went to feed the ducks one Sunday and Eleanor wasn't interested at all like I thought she would be. She just kept feeding herself.
There were so many!
Holding Asher.
Sitting in the dirty clothes doing her makeup. :)
She could never have too many books.
She likes to walk around with my purse...
So Steph and I found her one more her size at a yard sale. I grabbed my purse to leave one day and she grabbed hers...she kills me.
22 Weeks.
Dinner with Steph and Spencer and Stewart and Mariah.
I can't even handle this...
23 Weeks.
Eleanor decided her water went where Thor's goes.
She loves Brandon's headphones.
Sun River Gardens with Stephi.
She loves Asher.
The morning after we got back from New York I found her like this...
25 weeks.
New shoes, new kitchen floor.
Signs of a yummy breakfast. She picks out all the marshmallows.
Started shopping for fall clothes for Eleanor while in New York.
The power went out in our kitchen one morning and so we finished making pancakes in the entryway. They are so cute together.
My mom and dad got two puppies. They are sisters.
Meet Shay.
Meet Elise.
Strolling the mall with Eleanor. She loves her daddy extra.
Playing at the park.
Eleanor has chosen this brown throw blanket as her baby blanket...not sure why but she loves it. I needed to put it in the washer the other morning and as I was spraying spots, she was trying to get one last minute with it. She chews on it all night. Haha. I couldn't stop laughing.
I babysat my mom's puppies last night. Snuggle session with Thor cozied up against my back as well.
Suckers in the tub...her favorite thing.
I got a Snapchat while in New York because Steph and my dad kept begging me...not hating these filters one bit.
Eleanor's reaction when I take her away from the dog filter. "Mom, go back." She loves sticking her tongue out.
26 weeks.