Thursday, July 28, 2016

Baby Outfits

There is no particular point to this post other than I feel the need to photograph Eleanor after I dress her for the day. She is too stinking cute. This is my favorite age so far to dress her because she is actually walking and running around. When she was a baby I didn't feel the need to put her in anything but onesies because she just lied there. Now I'm starting to have more fun with it. We just barely started buying her shoes actually. We didn't see a point for them when she couldn't walk.

Steph bought her these little pink shorts yard sale hopping and they are the cutest thing.

I bought these pants at Gap just the other day when Steph and I were hanging out and they were even cuter than I imagined they would be when Brandon tried them on her that night. She looks so grown up.

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