Friday, April 5, 2013

House Hunting Diaries

As some of you may know, Brandon and I have been living at my parents house while we look for a place to live. It has not been easy. While its not bad living there we miss having a place of our own. We have been pretty picky as we pick places to look at because we want to love our next place enough to stay there until we are both graduated. Plus, we have accumulated so much stuff since we have gotten married and moving is a PAIN. We have been looking for two bedrooms because we both have desks but are willing to go for a one bedroom if it is a decent size. The last few months we have actually been just looking at basically any apartment that looks even remotely okay and man has it been interesting. This is where I wish I had started my house hunting diaries. We have looked at the most interesting, sketchy places. Half of the time, we know we won't like it as soon as we see it but go along with it anyway and it has actually been a lot of fun to laugh at them later as we get in the car and drive off. Curse the people who don't post enough pictures for you to get a good idea of what it looks like before you go.
Last week Brandon and I went and looked at a basement apartment that we thought might be promising. As soon as we saw the stairs going down to it, we knew half of our stuff would never fit down there. Then the guy basically talked us out of ever wanting to live there. These are the things he said while he gave us the tour.

  • "Just so you guys know, there is no ac, but the winter's aren't bad."
  • "Here you have the kitchen, but there is only two outlets that aren't being used up by the fridge. We didn't think about that when we moved in." (As some of you know Brandon loves cooking and he needs his outlets. :) You don't want to unplug the microwave and toaster every time you need to use the blender or kitchen-aid)
  • "It took us a few hours to get our couch down those stairs. We had to take it apart and put it back together so we are selling it and leaving it here. Along with the hutch in the kitchen and the organizer that sits above the toilet." .....Well, we already have all of those things so are we going to be stuck with them? 
  • "Here is the only closet in the house and it doesn't have a door."
  • "Oh and the landlord is raising the rent price." UGH.
That is what they are all telling us when we get there. Then put the new price online! Yesterday we went and looked at two apartments and the first one was also a basement apartment with even more narrow stairs and no sink in the bathroom....The second one we looked at yesterday we thought was on a main floor. We loved it when we walked in. It had a washer and dryer and then we turned the corner to see stairs going up. Very Narrow Stairs. It was an upstairs apartment. It was old and had a lot of character. I actually liked it but once again not much of what we own would fit up it. The tub had claw feet! So cool.
So, we are continuing to look. Hopefully we get lucky as more people are moving out for the summer and graduating. We have basically sworn off basement apartments in Provo. Crossing our fingers for a main floor. If any of you know of good places that won't break the bank let me know. :) 

On the brighter side...

The Voice has started!

My mom and I went daring and put a cute striped wall in the bathroom.

Steph, Spencer, my mom and I went to the Mika concert. 


  1. Love the striped wall! Very cute! Good luck on your house hunt! We loved our apartment above Cougar Dental. It was an upstairs apartment though. Our basement apartment blew chunks...

  2. I remember the one above the dentist office. That was pretty sweet. :) Thanks Traci!
