Thursday, January 14, 2016


Eleanor Blake is 8 months old today. She has a tooth showing, crawls everywhere and pulls herself up to stand against anything she can. We had to lower her crib so she doesn't fall out. She still wakes up at least once a night to eat, loves her puffs and yogurt melts and races from room to room in her walker after Thor and I. She tries to run him over and it's so funny. He is constantly dodging her. She puts EVERYTHING into her mouth and I have to make sure the house is clean all the time and that the floor stays swept. The other night she crawled over to the front door and put a dried leaf in her mouth. She keeps me on my toes.
I went a little crazy taking photos today so I am going to break them up into a couple posts. I took these this morning as Eleanor was taking her bath. I can't handle the cuteness. This is such a fun age.