Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Brandon and I spent it at my parents house in Springville this year and we had a lot of fun. Brandon and I made cupcakes with malt ball eggs on top and Ron like always went way out and made a huge chocolate cake with white frosting on it. He is a genius. Everything he does always looks amazing.

We all got to take a chocolate bunny off the top at the end and
he got Brandon the one with the soccer ball. :) 

These look silly next to Ron's creation...:)

Good looking boys!

This was Joseph after searching forever for his basket.
He could not find it.

How could I not put this one in? My grandma is the greatest.

Brandon and my easter baskets...well sort of. Maybe next year Brandon
will officially have a basket. :)

Ron and his amazing cake.

We played outside. Joseph, Steph and her boyfriend Spencer stuck in the middle. 

I had to work on my photography assignment as well on Easter and
the assignment was to create different types of lighting. This one
is called Loop Lighting. I had to post it because my husband is so
handsome. :) Anyway, goodnight!