Friday, March 23, 2018

Things Eleanor says

Eleanor is constantly making me laugh. I have had to start writing down some of the things she says because I never want to forget them.

One afternoon as the girls and I were driving in the car I heard Eleanor ask, "Where's daddy?"
I responded, "He's at work. He's making money so we can live in our house and have food to eat."
It was quiet for a minute and I heard her say quietly, "He's really good at that."

One night Brandon was tickling her and she was laughing so hard she farted and Brandon looked at her and asked her if she farted. She shook her head and said, "No, it was just bubbles." Oh, okay.

Eleanor sometimes ignores when she has to go poop because she doesn't want to. When she finally tells me she has to go and does I say, "See? Aren't you so much happier now?" And she always says, "Yes!" The other day she said, "Mom, I need to go poop." As she ran to the toilet I heard her say, "I need to be happier."

She is really into playing doctor lately. She came into the room and looked at me. "Mom I just fell. I need a checkup." Then laid down on the couch.

"Mom can I get a big computer?"

She will also grab anyones phone and say, "I need to text."

I was scratching her back on my bed and she asked if she could scratch mine. So I pulled my shirt up and laid down and I heard her start singing, "Soft kitty..." (You have to be a Big Bang Theory fan to understand this one but I couldn't stop laughing.) She loves Sheldon.

I'm pretty obsessed with her and her big personality.

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