Thursday, April 14, 2016

It's that time again.

Just dropping all my photo snaps from the last month on my little corner of the internet. Enjoy them if you wish. I know my grandparents do... 

Joseph's track meet at UVU. Eleanor hanging out with her grandpa.

Thor bounding back up the stairs with the ball we just threw. It cracks her up.

A nice man made her a balloon hat although she wasn't so sure about it.

These pictures are some of my favorites. They were not posed. He didn't know I was snapping a picture. He called me in the morning after I took Thor back from him just because he wanted to see him and missed him. He loves Thor. It's kind of my favorite thing. They have sleepovers weekly.

She loves her string cheese!

Allison's wedding reception.

This picture portrays our relationship a little better though. :)

Fighting for my lap.

My car wouldn't start a couple weeks ago and I was supposed to go to Springville. So my mom came and grabbed us and as we waited Eleanor just couldn't hold out.

Totally out.

Watching the cars roll by.

Sleepover pic. :) This bromance is the cutest.

Trying her first acai bowl at Ivie Juice Bar and loving it.

I finally went and got a massage a couple weeks ago! I told Brandon I wanted one when I was pregnant with Eleanor and he got me a gift card to go since it's almost been a year. Ha! It was on my list of 26 things to do while 26. So yeah, had to document it. It was amazing.

This is the closest I've gotten to capturing her crooked smile. She always pushes those bottom teeth to the side.

Teething baby over here. Her top two have cut through and are coming in. She likes gnawing on cold carrots.

She likes to climb into her diaper basket.

We took Eleanor to a toy store and Brandon let her grab these two mermaid dolls. I wanted her to pick one but she seemed to firmly believe she needed them both and got so sad when one was taken away. Brandon decided she needed them both. :)

I couldn't not laugh when I saw Eleanor asleep like this after we got back from Brandon's parents one night.

The cutest selfie I've ever seen.

Whenever Eleanor has to poop she hurries and crawls to me and climbs up for me to hold her. She needs the moral support and it is the cutest thing.


  1. Aahhahahahaha!!! I love those two photos of us! And obviously everything else.
