Thursday, March 5, 2015

Baby Update

I never got around to taking my 30 week pic, so we are jumping to 31 weeks! This is so crazy to me. I am getting so close. I can no longer breath, my back pain comes on more than I like and sleeping is almost impossible. But we are...almost...there. Two more months to get even bigger than I already am? That doesn't seem possible.


Questions I have frequently been asked:

Do you have a name picked out for her yet? We have a couple in mind, but nothing set in stone. And no, I am not telling anyone what they are. You get to wait and see what we name her when she is born. 

How much weight have I gained this pregnancy? So far 18 pounds and inclining quickly at this point. Baby girl still needs to put on 3 to 5 lbs herself! That scares me. 

How big is the baby? According to my What To Expect app, she is already at her birth length! So around 18 inches long and weighing over 3 pounds. So at this point, she is just gaining weight and practicing the skills she will need once she gets here.

Also, I have bought basically nothing so far. We have a crib and a car seat. What are your mom must haves for newborns? I'd love to know some things you can't live without! Especially when it comes to brands, etc. Because this soon to be mom...knows practically nothing. Thanks in advance.


  1. Ahhh I left a huge long comment and I think it got deleted!! You've pretty much got the basic must haves. Everything else is more for fun--not necessarily necessary.
    I would say a moby style baby wrap. See if you can get a used one Cuz they are pricey-- but it's been the best purchase I've made!!
    Also a breast pump-- check with your insurance Cuz you should be able to get one for free through them under the affordable care act!!

  2. I love my changing table and diaper genie. If you're breastfeeding-nursing bras and nursing breast pads. I wouldn't recommend the fabric ones though, I had them because I thought being washable would be more convenient but I leaked through them all the time.

    Here are some codes for some cute baby stuff, all you pay is shipping and handling :) 'S2008CC' 'S2008UC' 'S2008NP' 'S2008SS' 'S2008BB' 'S2008BL' 'S2008BP'
