Thursday, October 4, 2018

Things Eleanor Says

I've been collecting these quotes for a while now and realized the last time I did a post of these was in March! Eleanor makes me laugh every day and I don't always remember to write down the things she says but these are some favorites.

We were having a completely different conversation and she grabbed my cheeks and said, "I'm sorry I put a booger on the wall." Not sure if she was talking about a new one or the one I found a few weeks ago. Her memory is so sharp. She often starts talking about something that happened months ago like it was yesterday.

I was watching Harper and Eleanor play and when they noticed me I said, "You guys are cute."
Eleanor, "Mom, we're a team."

Eleanor was in the bath. "Mom what's that noise?"
"It's the washer and dryer. I'm washing clothes."
"Oh. Can you turn it off?"
"No. I'm washing clothes."
"But maybe it's too loud."

"Mom why is your hair in a bun?"
"Because I wanted it in a bun."
"You should put it in a pony tail like me."

"Eleanor do you want eggs?"
"No I want some eggs."
"You want eggs?
"No I want some eggs!"
Haha apparently she thinks eggs are called "some eggs" because that's what I normally say.

Before boarding our flight back from Florida Eleanor had to poop. She went to the bathroom and I decided to go as well. Whenever she is done pooping she says, "I want to tell daddy!" When we exited the bathroom and got in line with everyone waiting to board she yelled really loud, "Daddy, mommy pooped!"

Putting her shoes on by the front door I heard her whisper to herself as she struggled to get one on, "Come on shoe. Don't be afraid."

"Eleanor can you grab me a tissue?"
"Sure my majesty."

She named her new baby doll Worm. And she's sticking with it.

"Oh no I peed my pants!"
"How much?"
....Not sure what that means...

Watching a video with Eleanor of Harper when she was a baby. It ended and Eleanor says, "Okay we have to watch it again. That was SO cute of her."

While I was doing my makeup Eleanor asked if she could have some makeup.
"You don't need it. You don't have zits to cover up."
....Later that day.
She asked me, "What's on your chin?"
"It's a zit."
"You need to put some makeup on."
Thanks Eleanor. Haha.

I decided to show Eleanor the movie Maleficent even though I figured she probably needed to be a little older to enjoy it. About 30 minutes in she yells, "I like this!"

No words can explain how much I love this girl.

I took these photos today location scouting for a photo shoot and needed her to stand in for me. I told her to kick the rocks, look left, look right, when to laugh and stand in a certain spot. When we got home she pulled out her toy camera and said, "Mom I'm going to take some pictures of you. Come stand right here. Okay, now a little forward. Look to the right. Do this." (as she puts her hand up by her chin.) I do it and she says, "Oh that's so cute. Now kick the rocks. Okay let's take some in the bathroom. Sit in the tub." She snaps off a few more photos and then climbs into the tub with me. "Okay now let's take a picture together. Say silly!" Snaps the photo. 

She picked that up fast. Born natural photographer. 

Sunglasses: Whimsy Sunglasses

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