Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Japan: Tokyo

I don't need to explain why I am breaking this trip up into two blog posts as you scroll through the endless photos. I just don't want to narrow it down anymore. Especially when it comes to my adorable babies. Why is there three of Eleanor or Harper in a row that are exactly the same? Because sometimes I can't choose between a smile, a full out laugh, a sleepy face or them eating. Every single one speaks straight to my mommy heart.

I also made a VLOG of our trip. CLICK HERE if you want to watch that.

We started our trip in Tokyo for a couple of days.

Walking to our airbnb.

The subways and trains there are undoubtedly cleaner than in New York.

While out exploring we ran into this Hello Kitty statue and Eleanor ran up and hugged it so excited saying, "Hello Kitty!" She's had Hello Kitty fruit snacks...other than that nothing. This was the exact moment I decided that she would probably love Disneyland even if I had no attachment to it myself and we booked a trip when we got home. Haha we're kind of obsessed with our girls.

This needs to become a thing here. Japan has so many more grape flavored things!

We ventured over to Tsukiji fish market and saw some pretty interesting things. These fish heads were huge!

Hubba hubba!

I wanted to take these two home with me. Thor would never sit still in a bike basket like that.

Their taxis...so classy.

I loved the bikes everywhere.

As far as the eye can see.

This little street in Tokyo was so cool. It had little shops where you could sit down and order.

I of course got my ramen.

Gyoen Park in Shinjuku.

Steph is just the cutest.

This group of old ladies was the cutest thing ever. Out painting in the drizzling rain.

The park had a greenhouse.

Exploring Harajuku and getting massive cotton candy.

Don't buy cotton candy when it's humid outside. The blue layer was gone before we even got outside! We basically paid for nothing. But all the layers had different flavors and it was fun while it lasted.

I spy three of my favorite people.

Okay, now for my phone photos...

Kaori gave us a ride to the airport and these three were so cute waiting for her.

Brandon got her a donut and she was just exploding with cuteness.

Harper didn't actually have her own seat. But she was keeping it warm for us.

Trolls, Moana and Boss Baby on repeat.

Looking out the window with papa.

You guys, in Japan this is a large. 

Brandon and Eleanor. Headed to the Sky Tree to have dinner with Brandon's brother Austin and his family. They live in Tokyo.

Eleanor got to see her cousin Coco and they held hands walking to dinner. Cutest. Thing. Ever.

These cups made us laugh so hard. Brandon told me cups were smaller in restaurants so I was prepared. But when my dad saw them as the waitress set them down he looked at everyone's on our little table and said, "Okay, these are all mine." Haha. Of course they gave us a pitcher to refill them.

Our airbnb had three floors. They really build upwards.

The prettiest baby staring up at me.

Brandon and I snuck away late one night once everyone was tired and back at the airbnb. My mom was so nice and watched the girls til they fell asleep. They were pretty exhausted every night.

The girls slept with us with two beds pushed together while in Tokyo.

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