Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Harper was napping and Eleanor wanted to put her swimsuit on and get in the water. All of her swimsuits are in the dresser in Harper's room though and so I tried this one on that I bought her that I had upstairs and it was way too big. Haha. H&M has weird sizes. This one is 2-4 years old...I knew it would be too big but it was so cute I couldn't pass it up. She can wear it next year and probably the year after that. I bobby pinned her bottoms in the back to keep them up. Haha.

You are about to see far too many pictures of Harper in a swing. At least you'll think so. To me there will never be enough. I could kiss that face ALL. DAY.

She is sitting up so good now and scooting all over the place. She also has her bottom two teeth!

Click here to watch a cute video from this day. Eleanor is in her underwear the whole time because we are in the middle of potty training. Tomorrow is day 3 and she is doing so good! I am so dang proud. She only had one mess-up all day and she finished on the toilet so you could say she had none. Funny thing, she has been pooping on the toilet for months. Haha. She hates a poopy diaper and will always tell us when she has to go. We just haven't gotten the potty thing down til now. TMI? Oh well. I want to remember these things.

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