Thursday, December 22, 2016

Harper Grace

   Harper Grace was born on December 14th at 2:08pm weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. I'm going to keep her birth story short and sweet because that's exactly what it was. I was scheduled to go to the hospital Wednesday morning to be induced at 6:45am. We dropped Eleanor and Thor off at my parents the night before. When we got there they got us all set up and started me on pitocin. I had them give me my epidural before Dr. Broberg came in and broke my water. Then we played the waiting game. During those first few quiet hours Brandon and I talked or he read Harry Potter to me like he's been doing at night. Steph and Spencer showed up around 1pm and hung out in the room with us for a little bit until it was time for me to start pushing. When they got there I was dilated to a 6 and the nurse came in and put this funny looking peanut shaped exercise ball between my legs telling me it would speed things up. Not sure if it helped or not but the next time she checked me I was at a 10. The second I heard that tears starting welling up in my eyes. We would be meeting her so soon. Spencer left the room and Steph stayed to take pictures.
   The nurse went to grab the doctor and I was surprised I wouldn't be doing any pushing without him first. He came in and I gave it one good push and she was here. Hearing that little cry and seeing her for the first time has to be one of the greatest feelings. I felt connected to her instantly knowing how much I'd grow to love her like I have Eleanor. Brandon brought Eleanor in to see her first but that went about as well as you would imagine it to go. She gave her a kiss but was mostly upset that she was pulled away from the gift shop where my parents were buying her a balloon. Haha, she loves her balloons. She has been so good with Harper since we have been home though. She is so gentle and sweet. Whenever she sees her she says, "Baby. Baby. Baby." I only stayed in the hospital for one night. Harper and I left as soon as they would let us so that we could be with Brandon and Eleanor. I am loving the newborn stage this time around. I want to hold her 24/7 and never want to give her up. Basically it's just a big snuggle fest over here. You won't see me complaining. 

When Brandon cut the umbilical cord he didn't snip it all the way across and it ended up squirting him in the face. I'm letting him know he has dried up blood on his chin. Haha.

Some iPhone shots from the hospital.

Go time!

This is just comical to me. It was time.

Eleanor meeting Harper.

Both of our families came to visit right after.

I love this spontaneous shot I took. He loves our girls so much. Nothing sexier I tell you.

Middle of the night snuggles.

Eleanor and Brandon came to hang out the next day until we were released and it took longer than we anticipated. Eleanor never does this but she was so tired. Haha.

All of a sudden she looks so grown up.



  1. This made me cry. Even though I was there and already cried. I love you. Giving birth is no joke. You made it look easy. You're a rockstar mama.
