Monday, July 20, 2015

Can't Stop. Won't Stop.

You guys, the struggle is real. When Brandon and I got Thor, my phone held hundreds of photos of our little dude. Now that we have Eleanor, I can't help but take a picture of her every five minutes. She is growing up so fast and as her mom I of course think every single thing she does is the cutest thing on the planet. So instead of posting every single image to Instagram, (I really try not to) I am going to overload this blog post with my favorites from our life the past couple of months since Eleanor joined us. 

Some of my favorite moments in the hospital. Late at night, once Eleanor was taken to the nursery and it was just Brandon and I again for a few minutes. I love this man. There is no one I'd rather go through life with.

After bringing Eleanor home, Thor wasn't quite sure what to think of her.

Nap with daddy.

After a visit to the pediatrician where she got another shot in her heel. She was a champ.

Thor still not sure what to think.

Thor didn't like E taking his spot.

After playing outside in the heat, Thor likes to lay on our cold glass coffee table.

A better hair day.

My closing reception for my BFA show.

It's amazing how often I find them doing the same thing. 

Brandon was burping her and I turned around to see this fuzz ball.

Thor has decided he likes her. They snuggle now and he gives her lots of kisses.

My FAVORITE thing. I love when she naps on me and wraps her arms around me.

We took a stroll with Danica and Eliesa and their babies.

A walk with Steph in Mapleton.

Brandon, E and I drove up to Salt Lake for some shopping and Ramen and on the way Brandon surprised me and took a detour for me to get some dippin dots. <3 Best husband award.

My mom sent me this while they were watching Thor one day. I DIED. 

Hanging out in Brandon's parents basement playing ping pong, I looked out the window to see this...the cutest little buddies.

Our little peanut.

He thinks it's his blanket too.

Those chunky thighs!

Nap time with mom. I love when she lets me sleep.

Date night to an RSL game.

Editing photos while she watches.


  1. You can do these kind of picture dumps ALL the time!! This was such a fun post to look through!! Cutest baby!!
