Friday, February 6, 2015

27 Weeks

It's been harder not to focus on the negatives this week. My body is stretching further than it wants to. I feel like I can't breathe half of the time and my back hurts so bad sometimes, I just have to stand there til the pain goes away because I physically can't move my right leg to take a step. What's up with that? I have three months to go still...yes, I'm scared. I read my friend Danica's blog post yesterday who is due any time now and had to smile to myself when she wrote that there will be days when you stand in your closet and cry. That happened to me this week. Just once. But I'm sure it won't be the last. It was nice knowing I'm not alone in that. Finding things to wear is HARD. I've slowly started adding maternity clothes into my daily wear but even then it's hard to find stuff that fits my body type. My legs and arms have lost all of their muscle and I feel like I am wilting away. Everything I eat goes to the baby it seems. But I eat as much as my body will let me. My legs and arms are getting smaller as my middle region gets bigger. It's actually kind of comical. I feel like the Grinch or Gru...

Haha but seriously...I have nothing to wear. My eyes wander to Brandon's side of the closet sometimes. I told myself I wasn't going to be that pregnant lady though that wears sweats and hoodies everyday. Or her husbands clothes. 

Pregnancy has not been easy for me. Some people love it. I wish I were one of them. But most days aren't so bad. It's just been one of those weeks. There is plenty to be grateful for. The weather is warming up. Baby girl is kicking me all the time. You guys, that will never get old. It reassures me that she is doing okay in there and I feel so blessed that I get to be her mom. It is the coolest feeling. I've asked Brandon to feel it about 3743829 times. I'm sure he's sick of me asking, but he goes along with it. :) 


I had a couple of classes cancelled on Wednesday and so in between my first and last class my dad, mom, Steph, Spencer and I hiked the Y with Thor and Zooey. We are hoping to do this once a week which I'm excited for. I'm too paranoid to do much else. They actually ran up while I walked. It felt so good to be outside!


They were pretty tired after the hike as well. :) Thor has endless amounts of energy though. I swear he could just go go go all day long. 

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