Monday, September 30, 2013

Playing Catch Up

School has swallowed up my life. Not really, but it's been a lot busier. A lot less free time. This post is going to be quite sporadic considering I haven't journaled anything from the last month. I am just going to focus on some of the highlights that I actually remembered to photograph. I took some pictures of my dad for one of my photography classes but these were just after shots where I had Ron jump in. :) I love these two together. They crack me up. 

Maryanne went to Homecoming.

My mom and I hung out this week a couple of times. Doing some shopping and running errands. And of course, watching The Voice.

Brandon and I went to Macaroni Grill on Friday for our date.
We also grabbed cupcakes from Cravings cupcakes in Pleasant Grove. We couldn't decide so we got two each. I got snickerdoodle, and chocolate chip pumpkin. Brandon got coconut tres leches and chocolate with vanilla pudding inside. That last one being my favorite.

My new hat. :)

Saturday my uncle Spencer and I went and wandered around Thanksgiving Gardens, enjoying the last little bit of sunshine before it gets too cold. Pictures to come.

Steph agreed to be my model for my lab time for Lighting. Usually I don't share my homework assignments but she is too cute not to. More on my photography blog here.

The latest movies we have gone to see. Brandon preferred World War Z and I of course enjoyed Austenland more. :) Steph and Spencer joined us for that one and we could not stop laughing. One of my favorite authors is Shannon Hale. I have every single book she's written and Austenland is among them. If you haven't heard of her and like to read, check her out. Her Goose Girl series is my favorite. 
Sadly I haven't taken any pictures of Brandon and I this month. That's going to change. :)


  1. Goose Girl is such a good book! I haven't read any others though... didn't know it was a series!

  2. Yeah, it's a series! And they are all good! :)
