Tuesday, September 26, 2017

9 Months

We went outside while Brandon was mowing the lawn to watch him on the porch like we usually do but ended up snapping some photos because she's killing me these days. Her personality is the greatest. She is so happy all the time.

That hair!

Eleanor didn't want me to take her picture but she got jealous when I was taking Harper's.

My girls. Getting a picture of just the two of them is almost impossible right now. They are starting to play together now though and I love it.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Bubble Bath

Eleanor was so excited when we got a package on our doorstep and she found bubble bath in it. She convinced me to let her take a bath immediately. And she was so adorable I documented it. 

She loves cleaning the makeup off of my beauty blender and making it pink again.

Eyelash envy.

My favorite.

Sunday, September 3, 2017


I told myself I was going to be much better at putting bows on Harper than I was with Eleanor. By the time I started putting them on Eleanor she would just pull them off and I wanted Harper to be so used to them that she wouldn't even notice. Well...I think this was the second day I put one on her for the day besides grabbing one for a picture. She did so good though! I'm going to try and be better about that.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Lake Powell

Lake Powell, I'll never get over you. You hold so many of my most cherished memories. Every year gets harder as we grow up and have kids and our families get busier but I will always make you a priority. I want my kids to grow up loving you as much as I do. See you next summer.

Click HERE if you want to watch the video I made from our trip!

Pretty views in every direction.

Every time I look at this picture I feel the need to squeeze those thighs and plant a million kisses on her.

Collecting seashells every day like it's her job.

Ice cream stop.

Harper's tongue.

So. Freaking. Blessed.

I'll never get over it.