Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Annual Family 5k

My family does the Family Fun Run 5k in Springville every summer. Whether we have really ran since the previous one or not in my case. My favorite part is the raffle for prizes after and sitting in the grass with my family. Almost every year we win something. My dad was the lucky winner this year. When we heard his number, none of us had been paying attention and weren't sure what he won. He came running back with a little bike that looked like a motorcycle. It's adorable and we couldn't stop laughing. He says it's going to the first grandchild. :) That's working in my favor considering I'm the only one that's even married. Most of Brandon's family joined us this year two, which was fun. Well, until next year...

Friday, June 13, 2014

And it's summer again...

My family has been going to Lake Powell every summer since I was a little girl. First with friends, then we got our own speedboat. Then came our first houseboat that had the 70's looking furniture and was half the size of the houseboats next to us. It had a charm to it. Then years ago, we got the houseboat that we have now. I think of it as my home away from home. When we were younger, we would beach camp a couple times a summer along with trips out with the houseboat. But as we have all grown up, our lives have gotten busy. We only make it down for our houseboat weeks now. Luckily this year we have three. 

The lake holds so many memories for me in the walls of the canyons and out in the bay. Catching lizards, going to get ice cream at Halls, feeding ducks and the carp unintentionally, fireworks over the water, making forts, digging holes and filling them with water to make a warm mud pit, skinny dipping, night swimming, dancing to music on top of the houseboat, exploring Moki canyon, going through the craziest storms including one where we spent the night all crammed in our speedboat with the covers on after heaps of sand had blown in. Another where we literally picked up camp in thirty seconds and rushed out of Moki canyon as we were still pulling our anchor out to escape a mud/stick slide that was coming straight for us...

I had been laying in the boat along with Steph where we were camping at the very end of Moki canyon and Joseph, Michael, my mom and dad were exploring the end where the water was drying up. All of a sudden I heard this faint yelling but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I sat up as it got louder and louder and I started to understand them. They were yelling, "Run! Quick! Get everything in the boat!" I saw them run around the corner and right on their tails was this stick/mud avalanche filling the water and spreading towards us. It was almost comical to watch them booking it to reach the boat before it did. It came out of the middle of nowhere. As we escaped with it right on our tail, a man yelled from a houseboat that we passed, "What the hell did you guys do?" We still laugh about that but I don't envy the rest of the time they spent in that spot with sticks/logs everywhere trying to get out. We felt pretty legit escaping that one unscathed. 007 Style.

This is just one of many stories that make me smile when I think about Lake Powell. This trip was more relaxed, nothing too crazy. Lots of downtime, Smores, glowsticks, and naps. I love seeing the lake for the first time as the drive comes to an end. The lake comes into view and it's summer again.  

Fastest way to get a tan? Roll in the sand.

Greg and I dug out this fire pit/pokey free zone.

This grin says, "I want to burn something."

My dad agrees.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Michael's Graduated!

     When did my little brother turn into a man? As I looked through my camera to take these pictures, I saw him with new eyes...he's graduated. My youngest brother. My parents could be empty nesters soon! Although, not likely. I feel like it was just yesterday we were sliding down the stairs in sleeping bags, playing the belly-button game (A game we made up) and playing Professor Layton on the DS late into the night. Joseph will be returning to a much bigger little brother. We're lucky to have him. 
     He does the sweetest things. Example right here. Our houseboat share week was the same week he would be walking to graduate. We all voted Lake Powell but my mom was a little sad she wouldn't see him walking so he surprised her and came home with a cap and gown so she could have pictures. And as awful as I think this attire is, Michael looks like a total stud...even when he throws in his own silly poses. This first one is 100% him. 

Congrats Michael! I love you!
Now come join this super super senior at UVU! ;)